Plastic Variable Area Flow Meters (Key Instruments (KI) Flowemter)
Combining affordability with reliable flow measurement and control.
For many non-corrosive, low-pressure air, water and gas flow applications, it pays to use accurate instrumentation that provides highly repeatable results and is also durable and affordable. KEY INSTRUMENTS delivers that combination in our versatile line of plastic variable area oxygen flow meters.
Durability is the result of precision-machined, one-piece, acrylic-body blocks that can handle demanding projects and mounting panels. Plus, configuration and customization options for scales, floats, fittings and control valves accommodate a variety of oxygen flow measurement applications, whether in the lab or the field.
* Air sampling equipment aquaculture
* Desalinization equipment
* Gas analyzers
* Medical systems
* Photo processing equipment
* Water treatment and distribution systems
* OEM applications
Model 2510 Air
FR2A00BVBN = 2510A2A00BVBN (0.1-1 SCFH)
FR2A01BNBN = 2510A2A01BNBN (0.2-2 SCFH)
FR2A02SNVT = 2510A2A02SNVT (0.4-5 SCFH)
FR2A03SVVT = 2510A2A03SVVT (0.5-10 SCFH)
FR2A06BVBN = 2510A2A06BVBN (4-50 SCFH)
FR2A07BNBN = 2510A2A07BNBN (10-100 SCFH)
FR2A08SNVT = 2510A2A08SNVT (20-200 SCFH)
FR2A12SVVT = 2510A2A12SVVT (0.04-0.5 LPM)
FR2A13SVVT = 2510A2A13SVVT (0.1-1 LPM)
FR2A29BNBN = 2510A2A29BNBN (0.2-2.5 LPM)
FR2A14SVVT = 2510A2A14SVVT (0.4-5 LPM)
FR2A15SVVT = 2510A2A15SVVT (1-10 LPM)
FR2A16BVBN = 2510A2A16BVBN (2-25 LPM)
FR2A17BNBN = 2510A2A17BNBN (6-50 LPM)
FR2A18BVBN = FR2A18BLBN = 2510A2A18BVBN (10-100 LPM)
Model 2510 Water
FR2L10SNVT = 2510A2L10SNVT (10-100 CCM)
FR2L11SVVT = 2510A2L11SVVT (20-240 CCM)
FR2L28BVBN = 2510A2L28BVBN (0.2-2 GPH)
FR2L19BVBN = 2510A2L19BVBN (0.4-5 GPH)
FR2L20SNVT = 2510A2L20SNVT (1-10 GPH)
FR2L21SVVT = 2510A2L21SVVT (2-20 GPH)
FR2L22BVBN = 2510A2L22BVBN (4-40 GPH)
Model 2520 Air
FR4A30BNBN = 2520A4A30BNBN (0.4-5 SCFH)
FR4A31BVBN = 2520A4A31BVBN (1-10 SCFH)
FR4A33SNVT = 2520A4A33SNVT (4-40 SCFH)
FR4A34SVVT = 2520A4A34SVVT (10-100 SCFH)
FR4A36BNBN = 2520A4A36BNBN (20-200 SCFH)
FR4A39BVBN = 2520A4A39BVBN (100-1000 CCM)
FR4A40SVVT = 2520A4A40SVVT (0.4-5 LPM)
FR4A41SNVT = 2520A4A41SNVT (1-10 LPM)
FR4A42BVBN = 2520A4A42BVBN (2-20 LPM)
FR4A43BNBN = 2520A4A43BNBN (3-30 LPM)
FR4A44SNVT = 2520A4A44SNVT (4-50 LPM)
FR4A47SVVT = 2520A4A47SVVT (10-100 LPM)
FR4A37BNBN = 2520A4A37BNBN (0.3-3 SCFM)
Model 2520 Water
FR4L38BVBN = 2520A4L38BVBN (4-50 CCM)
FR4L56SNVT = 2520A4L56SNVT (10-120 CCM)
FR4L51SVVT = 2520A4L51SVVT (25-225 CCM)
FR4L50BNBN = 2520A4L50BNBN (40-400 CCM)
FR4L52BVBN = 2520A4L52BVBN (40-660 CCM)
FR4L53SNVT = 2520A4L53SNVT (100-1500 CCM)
FR4L54SVVT = 2520A4L54SVVT (200-3000 CCM)
FR4L55BNBN = 2520A4L55BNBN (300-3700 CCM)
FR4L45BVBN = 2520A4L45BVBN (1-10 GPH)
FR4L48SNVT = 2520A4L48SNVT (2-25 GPH)
FR4L46SVVT = 2520A4L46SVVT (6-60 GPH)
Model 2530 Air
FR4A67BNBN = 2530A4A67BNBN (0.5-5 SCFM)
FR4A65BVBN = 2530A4A65BVBN (1-10 SCFM)
FR4A68SNVT = 2530A4A68SNVT (4-20 SCFM)
FR4A72SNVT = 2530A4A72SNVT (14-140 LPM)
FR4A70BNBN = 2530A4A70BNBN (30-300 LPM)
FR4A73SNVT = 2530A4A73SNVT (100-560 LPM)
Model 2530 Water
FR4L64SNVT = 2530A4L64SNVT (0.25-2.5 GPM)
FR4L66BVBN = 2530A4L66BVBN (0.5-5 GPM)
FR4L69SVVT = 2530A4L69SVVT (1-10 LPM)
FR4L71SVVT = 2530A4L71SVVT (2-20 LPM)
(Key Instruments (KI) Flowemter - 2510/2510/2530 Series)
3000 Series
MR3L11SNVT (20-300 CCM of Water)
MR3A14BVBN (0.4-5 LPM of Air)
MR3A14SNVT (0.4-5 LPM of Air)
MR3A14SVVT (0.4-5 LPM of Air)