<%@ codepage ="936" %> Omar Ltd and Omar Automation Ltd | Level sensing | Pressure transducer | Flowmeter | Flow Controlling | Pressure Switch | Other brand <%=the_refuse_str%>
<% TAB_Name="M_info_type_1" sqlstr = "select * from "&TAB_Name&" order by order_id desc" 'response.write sqlstr&"
" 'response.end i=0 Set rst=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset") rst.open sqlstr,conn,1,1 do until rst.eof 'type_1_id=rs("type_id") type1=rst("typename") type1_show=rst("typename"&lang_type_show) type1_str=type1_str&type1&"||" type1_show_str=type1_show_str&type1_show&"||" %>
<% strlen=240 TAB_Name="M_information" topN=3 sqlstr="select top "&topN&" * from "&TAB_Name&" where type1='"&type1&"' and info_state=1 order by order_id desc,id desc" 'response.write sqlstr&"--
" 'response.end set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sqlstr,conn,1,1 j=1 do until rs.eof info_id=rs("i_id") info_name=rs("info_name"&lang_type_show) info_name=leftT(info_name,strlen) set rs2=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sqlstr2="select top 1 * from "&TAB_Name&"_Pic where i_id="& info_id &" order by pic_id" 'Ê×ͼƬ 'response.write sqlstr&"--
" rs2.open sqlstr2,conn,1,1 if rs2.eof then product_pic="none.gif" else product_pic=rs2("pic_s") if rs2("pic_b")<>"" then product_pic2=rs2("pic_b") else product_pic2=rs2("pic_s") end if rs2.close set rs2=nothing %> <% rs.movenext if j mod 3 =0 and not rs.eof then response.write "" end if j=j+1 loop rs.close %>
<% rst.movenext i=i+1 loop rst.close %>