<%@ codepage ="936" %> Omar Ltd and Omar Automation Ltd | Level sensing | Pressure transducer | Flowmeter | Flow Controlling | Pressure Switch | Other brand <%=the_refuse_str%> <% dim info_search info_search=request("info_search") info_search=replace(info_search,"’","*|*") info_search=replace(info_search,"'","*|*") now_type1=request("type1") now_type2=request("type2") if now_type1="" and not isnull(now_type1) then now_type1="News" end if show_type=now_type1 if now_type2<>"" and not isnull(now_type2) then show_type=now_type2 elseif info_search<>"" and not isnull(info_search) then show_type="Search" end if %>
<% call show_advertise_img("广告中心","最新资讯",561,170) ' %>